Sunday, October 5, 2008

What's a few cupcakes between friends...

I made these for a friend's birthday. She's been feeling down recently and thought these might help cheer her up.. Nope, there were no tears of happiness or fierce hugging for making these cupcakes for her, but the simple thank you and smile on her face is reward enough to tell me I've achieved what I set out to achieve..

16 chocolatey chocolate mini-me's

Wedding bells

I've always loved orders for church weddings. Though these big orders really tire me out, the end result after setting up the cupcakes in their place gives me such a sense of achievement...

350 chocolatey chocolate mini-me's

Jurassic Park!

A group of friends ordered these for their friend's birthday. Needless to say, the birthday girl loves dinosaurs!

20 chocolatey chocolate regulars